
On this blog, you will find a growing collection of my own juicing recipes that I have invented specifically for IBS sufferers (although they're great for other people, too). I've had IBS-D for seven years, but I've only recently started juicing to help ensure that I am getting enough nutrients. Juicing is an excellent way to supply your body with plenty of vitamins and minerals, something that IBS sufferers, particularly those with IBS-D, often struggle to do. Those of us with IBS often have very limited diets because many foods are too fibrous for us to digest, or trigger IBS attacks for a variety of other reasons. We end up avoiding many of the fruits and vegetables that our body needs. Read more about why I recommend juicing for IBS sufferers in my Introduction to Juicing for IBS, and please consider contributing to this collection of juicing recipes!

What Kind of Juicer?

Hamilton Beach Wide Mouth Juicer

I won't pretend to be an expert on juicers, since I have only used one in my illustrious career as juicing chef, but I have to say that my Hamilton Beach Wide Mouth Juicer works great!  I paid about $70 for it on Amazon, and it is currently going for $80.  Although this is still an monetary investment, it's a lot cheaper than the $150-300 juicers that you can buy, but unless you're planning on juicing for parties of 30 people, you really don't need a heavy-duty juicer.

The "wide mouth" allows me to stick a lot of fruits and vegetables into the juicer after simply cutting them in half, meaning that the prep time for most of my juices is significantly shorter.  I line the container on the side with a plastic bag that catches all the fiber spit out as the juicer extracts the juice, which means that I don't have to clean that container each time I use the machine.

Learn more, read reviews and purchase the Hamilton Beach Wide Mouth Juicer on Amazon.

Other Juicers

The website All About Juicing has reviews of several other juicers, including the Green Star Juicer, the Omega Vert Juicer, the Breville Juicer, the Jay Kordich Juicer and the Champion Juicer.

Joe the Juicer, the guy who brought us the juicing documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, has a Juicing Guide on his Reboot with Joe website, which has a lot of other great juicing resources as well.  Get Joe's advice on what to look for in a juicer, and a list of similarities and differences between different models.

Shop Around

I encourage you to shop around and compare the features of different juicers before buying, since it's such an investment.  You can pick up a blender for a lot less -- but a blender doesn't remove the fiber from produce for you, so as an IBS sufferer, you probably need to be using a juicer.

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